
Reason no. 133...

Church was amazing this weekend - being reminded of truths and seeing people encounter God! The fact that God loved us first is remarkable. The fact that He wants us to rest in His presence and draw close to Him is amazing. God is so good. Reason no. 133 :)

Reason no. 132...

This weekend I've had no exams, no revision and no work to do so I spent the time being creative and writing cards. It was so lovely! Reason no. 132 :)


Reason no. 131...

Lovely afternoon with a friend catching up over a hot chocolate and celebrating the end of exams. I also managed to find some blank cards ready for a creative weekend of decorating! Reason no. 131 :)

Reason no. 130...

Exams are over, it's now the weekend and I'm between semesters! I have no outstanding work to do, which means I'm totally free to use my time however I want and not feel guilty about not doing an assignment or some reading! Reason no. 130 :)

Reason no.129...

One thing I really enjoy about living in halls is the random little conversations you end up having in the laundry. Normally I go really early in the morning so don't end up seeing anyone, but today I needed to go this evening and it was definitely a lot busier than normal! I met 2 really friendly people through something that's a bit more of a chore than a delight! Reason no. 129 :)


Reason no. 128...

Having spent days looking at pages upon pages of stuff to do with ears - ears are quite naturally what my thoughts seem to wonder to...but it is incredible (at least that's what I'm beginning to realize!)! The fact that all these processes go on inside our little ears is amazing! One of the key processes is all about amplification so that we can actually end up understanding what is going on around us. Amplification allows random sounds to reach our brain and become meaningful information. It makes the vibrations bigger so that they can get through the entire ear... As I was thinking about it God reminded me that whatever we bring before Him: our time, skills, or whatever, God totally uses. We may feel it's really insignificant, but as God combines with it, it is amplified and has a much greater impact! Reason no. 128 :)

Reason no. 127...

Being reminded that whatever I come out with at the end of my course - God can totally use. If I come out with amazing grades, or just alright grades God's got a plan and He'll open up different spheres and different opportunities accordingly. Either way my grades don't define the plan that God has for my life. Reason no. 127 :)

Reason no. 126...

'You are God and I am not.' 
Reason no. 126 :)

Reason no. 125...

'Even the smallest, most insignificant thing that God does is worth celebrating. It's all by grace.' 

It's so true. Everything that God does, every prayer He answers, every healing, every blessing is all an overflow of His grace. We don't deserve any of it, yet God in His goodness reaches out and does amazing works in our lives. Reason no. 125 :)


Reason no. 124...

Skype has got to be a reason. To be able to speak and see people who aren't even in the same country is amazing. From skyping a friend in Germany to chatting with my mum. Technology has got to make you go 'wow' sometimes! Reason no. 124 :)

Reason no. 123...

Tonight I'm grateful for potatoes! One of the easiest, yet yummiest meals to cook: jacket potato, baked beans and cheese. Plus there's an unending range of things you can do with them! Reason no. 123 :)

Reason no. 122...

I've decided to add a photo because like people always say...a photo says a thousand words! 

Colour, creativity and joy! 

Reason no. 122 :)

Reason no. 121...

Everlasting God

Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord
As we wait upon the Lord

As we wait upon the Lord

Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord

As we wait upon the Lord
As we wait upon the Lord

Our God, You reign for ever

Our hope, Our strong deliverer

You are the everlasting God,

The everlasting God,
You do not faint, You won't grow weary

You're the defender of the weak

You comfort those in need,
You lift us up on wings like eagles

I love this song by Chris Tomlin. There's something powerful about declaring the truth of who God is. A couple of months ago I had this phrase: 'As the truth of the Lord is declared, the strongholds are broken and the walls come tumbling down.' By speaking truth of who God is over circumstances - change begins to happen.  In this song the lyrics are really rich, but really simple. 

So, what do we find out about who God is?
He's the strength provider. He is God. He is the One who goes on and on and on - not just Him, but His Kindom, His rule and His reign. He's everlasting. He has no end.  He does not become tired or weak. He is constant. He is the defender of the weak - yes!! He is a comforter. He doesn't just watch us struggle in times of need, but comes alongside us. This is God! Reason no, 121 :)


Reason no. 120...

Today I sat in SU for 2 and a half hours and had a really productive morning. It wasn't too loud and it wasn't too busy which meant that I could get some revision done. It also meant that I could spend time with a couple of friends for a bit later in the day. God's definitely taught me a lot about revision, stress and peace this season. If I looked back on what I was like in my last exam season, I think God shown me a lot about where my identity truly lies and what it means to know God's peace. God's been so good! Reason no. 120 :)

Reason no. 119...

Yesterday, I went to observe the kids work at church. I love being around kids and seeing them encounter God. There's such a simplicity in faith and God uses them powerfully. Reason no. 119 :)

Reason no. 118...

This song (Glroy to the Lamb), by Jeremy Riddle is so good! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wES1UYdQIew Here are the lyrics:

How strong did the darkness appeared
'Til his life drew near

And shattered the black

Putting evil to flight

Waking dead hearts to life

The Father revealed 
All sin, all darkness, all shame

It is all washed away

No judgment remains

It is under his blood

His redemption and love
He is calling us near
No reason to fear
Come let's worship and adore

Kneeling lower now before him

Giving glory to the Lamb

Come let us worship and adore

Kneeling lower now before him
Giving glory to the Lamb
Break out in glorious song

For the victory is won

He has broken apart every prison and chain

He has vanquished the grave

The good news is clear
Salvation is here

Come and worship Christ the Savior

Come with joy and offerings

Come and worship Christ the Savior

Come adore the King of Kings

Reason no. 118 :)

Reason no. 117...

'Praise changes the atmosphere - a powerful weapon.'

Praise unlocks something in the heart. It wakes the soul up. Praise brings revelation. It reminds us of just how worthy God is. It brings truth into the situation and puts God in His rightful place. What starts at praise soon turns to worship. Reason no. 117 :)

Reason no. 116...

'We praise until the spirit of worship comes. 
We worship until the glory comes - then we stand in glory.' 

Ruth Hetland

Yesterday I heard this quote and it's so true. It's thought provoking and challenging. I love how God deposits wisdom in people for others to be impacted by. Reason no. 116 :)


Reason no. 115...

Part of my revision is all about audiometry and a lot of it is rather eughhhhh, but some of it is equally rather amazing! So, I'm going to give you some amazing facts about the auditiory system that God designed us with! 

  • The pinna (that's the visible part of the ear) allows us to localize sounds. It modifies the sounds depending on the direction it comes from and equally the frequency the sound comes in at.
  • There are 3 tiny bones in the ear (malleus, incus and stapes) - without them or without the movement of them we would not be able to hear. The fact that they're so small, yet have such a crucial function in our everyday life is incredible. 
  • There's something called impedance matching - this is equally rather amazing. The fact that part of the process involves the sound having to travel from air into fluid should cause a lot of problems. In normal situations most of the sound when reaching a fluid should reflect back, but in the ear it doesn't! Why? Because of changes in area results in changes in pressure - means that the sound passes through! (All a bit too science-y!!) 
  • One thing that I love is the fact that each part of the cochlea responds to different frequencies - it's just soooo clever how it's been designed! 
Anyway, the ear makes me go wow! It's so small, but for so many of us it impacts so much of how we live our lives. Reason no. 115 :)

Reason no. 114...

Today was lovely...it may have supposedly been filled a revision day, but half way through I decided to go for a walk. As I ventured out and walked down the main road I saw 5 foreign students all lugging massive suitcases and looking a bit lost - knowing just how annoying that is I decided to go see if they wanted any help. I'm so glad I did as it turned out they're staying in my accommodation area and they were all from Hong Kong. I love meeting people from there because as soon as I mention that's where my grandma was born - they're first shocked, but then slightly excited! I love how over these past few months God's put people across my path from there (including someone in my flat!): reason no. 114 :)


Reason no. 113...

Today was a day of revision, but it also meant I explored more of Manchester. I decided to go to a coffee shop in the center and then venture onto John Rylands library. It's amazing! It's so old and had a great atmosphere to study in...I'll definitely be venturing back next week :) One productive day: Reason no. 113 :)

Reason no. 112...

This week I was soooo encouraged by a couple of friends and seeing what God's doing in their lives...from where they were before knowing God to where they are now - well, it's exciting!! Just hearing from them put a massive smile on my face! Reason no. 112 :)


Reason no. 111...

Yesterday I sat my first uni exam! This season God's revealed His peace in new ways and has meant that I've never been so unstressed during exam period as before! He's been so good with how all the exams have been spread out. At first I was little disappointed that mine were sooooo spread out - 3 exams over 2 weeks, but it's meant that I've been able to spread revision out and do little extras too! Reason no. 111 :)

Reason no. 110...

Unending love. Amazing grace. Forever faithful. Never disappointing. Perfect peace. 

‘….for His compassions never fail. They are new EVERY morning; great is your faithfulness.’  

Lamentations 3:22-23

Reason no.110 :)


Reason no. 109...

This is an amazing story of God changing the heart and transforming the life of a man who once made a living through trafficking women.

'He's the God who changes abusers into protectors, addicts into free men and traffickers into rescuers.'

It's God who does the impossible. 

Reason no. 109 :)


Reason no. 108...

There's been so much rain lately and this week I've been reading about Noah. The sheer quantity of rain that fell is hard to imagine. 40 days of constant rain, so much so that the mountains were covered. It took 150 days for Noah to even consider leaving the ark. God makes a promise to never flood the whole Earth again and as a constant reminder rainbows appear. When God makes a promise, He never breaks it. He's the faithful One. Reason no.108 :)

Reason no. 107...

On Sunday, a lady shared a story of how she was in a car accident some years ago and badly damaged her shoulder. BUT God  restored it and now she can lift her arm for the glory of God. I was reminded of another lady who'd been suffering with depression....BUT now God allows her to laugh for His glory. God brings transformation for His glory and allows us to claim back what has been stolen - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TFxgGb6SBM . Reason no. 107 :)


Reason no. 106...

This week I’ve started a new bible study called Overflow. I’ve never read the bible in a year and I definitely haven’t read the entire bible…something I’m not too pleased to admit!! The study is great. The way it’s been split enables you to have a whole overview of God’s great rescue mission. At the moment I’m working through Genesis, Leviticus, Isaiah, Matthew and Romans. As I’ve been reading it you see: God’s perfect creation right at the beginning followed by the problem appearing. Then we see what the Jews have to do through burnt offerings to have their sins dealt with. We see the state of Israel and that there’s a huge problem that needs dealing with – so God’s preparing and prophesying the solution. Then we see the solution come – something that God’s been preparing the way for generation after generation, then we also see that Jesus has come and this incredible hope that has now been unleashed – especially for the gentiles! Reason no. 106 :)

Reason no. 105...

I’m now in Manchester again!! I had a lovely, very relaxing time back home with my family. Just to spend time watching TV, not having to cook daily, not having to trek across the halls of residence to do my laundry, to be able to go back home and fit back into family life exactly how it was 3 months ago – fantastic! Reason no. 105 :) 

Reason no. 104...

Linked to the last reason - thank you God for freedom! I’m so privileged to live in England where there is freedom to worship God, there is freedom for men and women to have the same access to education, there is freedom as I am not someone else’s possession, and the list goes on. Thank you God that I have been blessed with the freedom I have. Reason no. 104 :)

Reason no. 103...

At the start of this year I was reminded about God’s heart for justice and to see those in oppression set free. It’s so easy to be completely indifferent about all the things going on in the world – the wars, natural disasters, starvation, poverty, crime etc. They’re distant and most certainly not affecting me. But, the fact is God doesn’t call us to sit on the sidelines. He’s calling a people who will love radically and extravagantly.

There are so many areas that need God to break in, but where do we begin? I’ve decided that this year that one of my new year’s resolution is going to be to get behind one charity and what they’re involved with. I’ve decided that the A21 campaign is something that God wants me to pray for and support. It’s a charity which is essentially about abolishing slavery and human trafficking in the 21st Century. Reading the statistics is shocking - 27,000,000 slaves today: beaten, deceived, abused, identity stripped away, vulnerable and trapped.

The fact is God loves each one of those 27,000,000 individually. God’s heart is to see their oppression lifted and walk into freedom. Therefore I want to see God break in, I want to see God release the captives, I want to see God bring justice, I want to see God bring hope to the hopeless, I want to see God release light into the darkness, I want to see God raise up people up who are in a position to bring change, I want to see God provide extravagantly so the charity can expand. Nothing is impossible for Him: Reason no. 103 :)